约翰·曼德维尔(John Mandevile)是《曼德维尔游记》一书传说中的作者,该书在1357年至1371年之间首次流传于世。 图片· ···(全部 0 张·上传照片) 最近的5部作品 ··· 2011 The Book of John Mandeville 暂无评分 >更多图书作品 1 收藏人数最多
按收藏人数排序 按评分排序 按出版时间排序 The Book of John Mandeville (2011) Iain Macleod Higgins (Edited, with an Introduction) / Iain Macleod Higgins / Hackett Publishing Company 1人评价 > 更多版本(5) > 我来报错 > 我来补充 >去 约翰·曼德维尔 作者页 ...
Edson, Evelyn
1. The Image of China in the Eyes of the Medieval European Writers——On the Chinese(Khitan) Images in The Travels of Sir John Mandeville; 中世纪欧洲作家眼中的中国形象——谈《曼德维尔游记》中的中国(契丹)形象2. As the most popular unreligious works in Middle Ages of Europe, The Travels ...
In that land of Job there ne is no default of no thing that is needful to man's body. There be hills, where men get great plenty of manna in greater abundance than in any other country. This manna is clept bread of angels. And it is a white thing that is full sweet and right ...
Sir John MandevilleThe Marvellous Adventures of Sir John Maundevile KtBeing his Voyage and Travel which treateth of the Way to Jerusalem and of the Marvels of Ind with other Islands and CountriesEdited by Arthur LayardThe fourteenth-century call to Crusade through a symbolic mapping of the world...
Chapter 14 The Exotic and Fabulous East in The Travels of Sir John Mandeville: Understated AuthenticityJean E. Jost
SST- Travels of Sir John Mandeville 182019-07 3 SST- Inequality in children 292019-07 4 SST- Negative emotion 232019-07 5 SST- online research 272019-07 6 SST- Credit card experiment 252019-07 7 SST- Misuse of drugs 392019-07 8 SST-precision 272019-07 9 SST- applications in biology 242...
Mandeville'sTravels(a source forPurity, probably by theGawainpoet). 1360 Boccaccio'sOlympia(a source forPearl, probably by theGawainpoet). 1360 (approx.) AlliterativeMorte Darthur, one of the last Arthurian romances in English. 1360-1390 (approx.) ...