Ready for the quest, Sir Gawain bestrides his horse Gringolet and heads off to the Wales and Northwest England, determined to find the Green Knight. Time passes by with no results. Weary of the search, weather and all kinds of trouble, he prays to find a shelter on a Christmas day so...
综述如下:I read the book named "sir Gawain and the green knight"this winter vacation and I admit that this book broadened my horizen.今年寒假,我读了一本名为《加文爵士与绿衣骑士》的书,我承认这本书拓宽了我的视野。It not only describes the noblepeople's life,but also play a ...
The Green Knight laughed at him. Gawain got ashamed and angry and urged the Green Knight to finish his job quickly. The Green Knight lifted his axe to cut, but again held it in the air. He praised Gawain for not moving this time. The third time the Green Knight made a slight cut ...
1、14世纪 高文爵士与绿衣骑士是英语韵文浪漫斯的杰出代表。全诗共2529行,作者不详,创作于诺曼时期向新时代过渡的14世纪。基本情节是:某年圣诞节,亚瑟王在自己的宫廷里举行宴会。一位绿衣骑士前来向圆桌骑士挑战:有谁敢当场砍下他的头,并让他一年后回敬一斧。高文接受挑战,砍下了绿衣骑士的头。那具依然活着的躯体...
14世纪 《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》是英语韵文浪漫斯的杰出代表。全诗共2529行,作者不详, 创作于诺曼时期向新时代过渡的14世纪。基本情节是:某年圣诞节,亚瑟王在自己的宫廷 里举行宴会。一位绿衣骑士前来向圆桌骑士挑战:有谁敢当场砍下他的头,并让他一年后回 敬一斧。高文接受挑战,砍下了绿衣骑士的头。那具依然活着...
SirGawainand TheGreenKnight translatedby JessieL.Weston InparenthesesPublications MiddleEnglishSeries Cambridge,Ontario1999 BookOne I SinceTroyÕsassaultandsiege,Itrow,wereover-past, Tobrandsandashesburntthatstatelyburgatlast, Andhe,thetraitorproved,fortreasonthathewrought, ...
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ‐ best of Middle English romancesworld of romance ‐ virtuous characters subjected to temporal tribulationSir Gawain, tells of an episode in its hero's life ‐ who has a history outside this poemSir Gawain, type of narrative ‐ a group of late romances ‐ ...