Sir Gawain and the Knight of the Green ChapelAlthough the Middle English poem known as 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' is assumed to be a kind of comic or satirical romance deriving from the Christian courts of England in the fourteenth...Norman Toby SIMMs...
The poem ends where it has started- at the Camelot. Sir Gawain has returned home safe and sound, with the green girdle on his right arm, but doubtful about his morality. He shares his story with King Arthur and courtiers, believing the cut on his neck to be the forever mark of the b...
Open Document An abundance of the literary world’s best and most engaging poems or stories took place during the very fictional reign of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table, who most famously, resided in Camelot. The poem, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, written during th...
This is a modern translation of the classical medieval poem relating Sir Gawain's romances, his conflict with the Green Knight, and return to the Round Table. The unknown 14th century author (a contemporary of Chaucer) has imbued his work with the heroic atmosphere of saga, with the spirit ...
SirGawainand TheGreenKnight translatedby JessieL.Weston InparenthesesPublications MiddleEnglishSeries Cambridge,Ontario1999 BookOne I SinceTroyÕsassaultandsiege,Itrow,wereover-past, Tobrandsandashesburntthatstatelyburgatlast, Andhe,thetraitorproved,fortreasonthathewrought, ...
The poem has many trinities, including: Arthur, the Green Knight, and Gawain in Arthur's court. Berilak de Hautdesert, Berilak's lady, and Gawain in Berilak's castle. Three hunts (the deer or timidity, the boar or ferocity, and the fox or cunning). Three successive days, each...
GreenKnightpickeduphishead,gotonhishorseandrodeaway!4Tenmonthslater,SirGawainsetofftolookfortheGreenKnighttoreceivehiscut.After goingthroughmanystrangeadventures,hecametoamagnificentcastlewherehewaswell entertained.ThelordofthecastlemadeanagreementwithSirGawainthateachdayhehimself wenthunting,andGawain...
《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 这个故事是英美文学中十分重要的一篇,故事是十四世纪晚期的诗歌作品,原稿现存於大英博物馆,以中世纪的英文写成。最早的近代英文版本则是由魔戒的作者 J.R.R. Tolkien 与 E.V. Gordon 在1925年所出版的。参考资料: