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公元1066年,威廉公爵征服英格兰,法国文化占主导地位。这一时期风行一时的文学形式是浪漫传奇,流传最广的是《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》 (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)。简介 某年圣诞节,亚瑟王在自己的宫廷里举行宴会。一位绿衣骑士前来向圆桌骑士挑战:有谁敢当场砍下他的头,并让他一年后回敬一斧。高文接受...
Sir Gawain is one of King Arthur's knights. Players must help him break out of jail in the King's Ransom quest. Sir Gawain is the sixth of the Knights of the Round Table to appear in the Knight Waves training ground activity. His attacks will temporarily
Sir Gawain 网络 高文; 加文; 高文爵士; 加文爵士; 中高文爵士
'Sir Gawain, this Court would be greatly indebted to you if--' Sir Gawain said he had strained a muscle at the last tournament. View in context On familiar ground, Moll looks at Trevisa's criticisms of Gerald of Wales and Higden's attitude to Arthur, and Wyntoun's Original Chronicle,...
嘉拉汀(Galatyn):亚瑟王圆桌骑士中加文(SirGawain)的佩剑天丛云剑(草雉之剑):从可怕的大蛇"八歧大蛇体内出现的神 …|基于3个网页 3. 骑士温盖 ...德外,巅峰时期人数达到数百的骑士团中,享有盛名的依然为数不少。其中包括克尼郡国王最年长的儿子——“骑士温盖(SirG… ...
所属专辑:汉堡桃桃呆地讲英语故事 音频列表 1 The Cat in the Hat 47 2023-05 2 Sir Gawain I 24 2023-04 3 Sir Gawain II 43 2023-04 4 The Boy who Harnessed the Wind 134 2023-03 5 Jumping Competition 13Mar2023 37 2023-03 6 Theo Loves Apple 12Mar2023 ...
This is a modern translation of the classical medieval poem relating Sir Gawain's romances, his conflict with the Green Knight, and return to the Round Table. The unknown 14th century author (a contemporary of Chaucer) has imbued his work with the heroic atmosphere of saga, with the spirit ...