2. On this day 390 years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama. 390年前的今天,伟大的探索者弗朗西斯-德雷克勋爵在巴拿马附近海面的一条船上死去。 3. Blue Drake -- Summons and dismisses a rideable Blue Drake. This is a very fast mount. This mo...
he unsuccessfully attacked San Juan, Puerto Rico. The Spanish gunners from El Morro Castle shot a cannonball through the cabin of Drake's flagship, but he survived. In 1596, he died of dysentery while again unsuccessfully
到了第二年春天,双方关系恶化,莱恩袭击了罗阿诺克人的村庄(也许是先发制人),杀死了他们的酋长。1586 年 6 月,弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士(Sir Francis Drake,1540-1596 年)从加勒比海的一次袭击中回来时经过这里,定居者们如释重负地出发前往英格兰。回到英国,烟草和土豆等新奇商品的展示说服了投资者支持雷利的第三次探...
当时英军指挥是德雷克爵士(Sir Francis Drake)。他於无敌舰队征英一役,成功的运用海上作战灵活的英军,用火船反击,不… culture.edu.tw|基于52个网页 3. 德瑞克爵士 1565年,英国的德瑞克爵士(Sir Francis Drake)率军来袭,被艾莫若堡(El Morro)的炮火挡住。1625年, 荷兰人亨德瑞克… ...
What places did Sir Francis Drake travel to? Who were Sir Francis Drake's brothers? How and where did Sir Francis Drake die? How did William Wallace dress? What did Leif Erikson's ship look like? How old was Sir Francis Drake when he died?
The novels of Sir Dirk Bogarde, who died ten days ago, will be used by relatives to choose the location of his final send-off, his nephew said yesterday. NEWS DIGEST FILM star Sir Dirk Bogarde has died after a massive heart attack at the age of 78. DIRK'S LAST ACT; Movie idol dies...
6.(Biography) his father,Robert Falcon.1868–1912, British naval officer and explorer of the Antarctic. He commanded two Antarctic expeditions (1901–04; 1910–12) and reached the South Pole on Jan 18, 1912, shortly after Amundsen; he and the rest of his party died on the return journey...
The first landed on the island of Roanoke off the coast of what is now North Carolina and stayed less than a year; anything but enthusiastic about their new home, these first colonists returned to England with Sir Francis Drake in the summer of 1586. Undaunted, Raleigh solicited the ...
As we ponder “piracy,”we might tip our bandanas to Privateer Francis Drake, who set out from Plymouth on this date in 1577, and returned almost three years later (September, 1580), the first captain to have completed a circumnavigation of the globe– an accomplishment for which Drake was...
There's Sir Francis Drake, to represent the achievements of English explorers in the sixteenth century. Then we have Lord Nelson, another sailor and the man who won the battle of Trafalgar in 1805 for England. Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the engineer, is also on the list because of the ...