On the morning of the oral hearing before the Appelate Body of WTO, the delegations from the European communities and from Brazil filed into the hearing room in Geneva. Delegations had long been preparing for this last legal showdown over their chicken trade. And yet they were not looking...
Birth of Brian Epstein, discoverer of the Beatles; 1945: William Joyce, aka Lord Haw-Haw, sentenced to hang for treason after Old Bailey trial; 1963: Death of cartoonist Sir David Low; 1975: The BBC broadcast the first episode of its comedy series Fawlty Towers; 1997: Six killed in South...
One hundred and thirty years had elapsed since the death of the great Newton, when (in 1858) the men of Lincolnshire raised in Grantham, the birthplace of their illustrious townsman, a statue to his memory. We grow impatient to place the effigies of a great soldier upon some lofty column,...
Sir Isaac Newton revolutionized the sciences of physics and mathematics. His masterwork, the "Principia, is one of the most important works of the science of all time. He was a practicing alchemist and wrote extensively on theology.
Birth SignAquarius BirthplaceLondon,England DEATH DATEApr 9, 1626 (age65) #62,033Most Popular Boost About Renaissance author and philosopher best known for his advocacy of the scientific method. He was knighted by King James I in 1603. ...
Sir William Berkeley (born 1606, Somerset, Eng.—died July 9, 1677, Twickenham, Middlesex) was a British colonial governor of Virginia during Bacon’s Rebellion, an armed uprising (1676) against his moderate Indian policy. Berkeley was the youngest son of Sir Maurice Berkeley and the brother ...