Sipeed I2S Mic is a mini size single MEMS microphone that can be connected to MAIX development boards Dock/Go/Bit as well as the Sipeed Binocular camera easily. it's high sensitivity, low Noise and cost-effective. USD$3.10 Out of stock ...
MIC_D3I/O 口i2s_d3 MIC_WSI/O 口i2s_ws MIC_CKI/O 口i2s_sclk 注意:因为 K210 的 FPIOA 的特性, 支持每个外设随意映射到任意引脚;所以将上面的表格中的I/O 口与(自行使用)开发板上带有数字标识的引脚连起来即可,类似于标有 GND 这种特殊标识(参考板子原理图)的就不算所谓的数字标识引脚,连接完后可...
Sipeed MAix Go have on board JTAG&UART based on STM32F103C8, I2S Mic, Speaker, RGB LED, Mic array connector, thumbwheel, TF card Slot and lithium battery manager chip with power path management function, all pins out, with standard M12 lens DVP camera. ...
For MM module, we have extra tiny I2S mic module: And We have Cool6+1 Microphone Array Module! here is the demo of microphone array and it have cool LED effects: Next one, we have Binocular camera module! you can try binocular stereo vision with it!
l2Sl2S x2 (12S0,I2S1) Parallel CSISupport Ethernet10/100/1000 Mbit/s Ethernet port with RGMll and RMll interfaces TWITWI x5 (TWIO,TWI1,TWI2,TWI3,s_TwWIO) RSBsupport GPADC2-ch Audio codecOutput : LINEOUTP/N Input: MICIN1P/N, LINEINL ...
I2SI2S x1 (I2S0)--- Parallel CSINo support--- Ethernet10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet port with RMII TWITWI x4 (TWI0, TWI1, TWI2, TWI3)--- RSBNo support--- GPADC1-ch--- Audio codecOutput: LINEOUTP Input: MICIN1P/N--- MIPI CSI2-lane, up to 1080p@60fps--- ...
- 2020-04-28 08:05:52 17 Sipeed-Maix-Dock - 2020-04-28 08:02:54 18 Sipeed-DualCamera - 2019-07-11 10:39:12 19 Sipeed-I2S_MIC - 2019-06-22 14:19:16 20 Sipeed-ESP32-TF - 2019-06-10 18:32:07 21 Sipeed-R6+1_MicArray - 2019-05-31 09:40:25Copyright...
| 音频| I2S MEMS MIC | | Analog MEMS MIC + LineOut | | SD 卡槽 | SPI 模式 | SPI 模式 |· SDHC 模式 · JTAG 模式 | | 按键| Reset Boot | Reset |· Reset · Boot · User x 2 | | USB | USB to Serial x 1 | |· USB to Dual Serial x 1 · USB OTG HS | | 其他|...
-利用 MaixPy 可以做很多事情,具体参考 [这里]( > K210 简介 : > * 拥有硬件加速的 AI 图像识别 @@ -64,7 +41,6 @@ Maixpy 的目的是让 AIOT 编程更简单, 基于 [Micropython](http://www.m > * 外设: I2C, SPI, I2S, WDT, TIMER,...
ImportError: cannot import name MIC_ARRAY (3.) MAix AMIGO (3a.) SP-MOD MicArray Module (3b.) Connector: 10P 0.5mm FPC (3c.) Sipeed MAix R6 + 1 Microphone Array Board (3d.) Located inside the back of the developer board #2970, moved the switch to M1N instead of STM. ...