Robert (Irene), Humboldt, SD, Edward, Hartford, SD, Charles, Hills, MN, Richard (Donna), Sioux Falls, SD, and William (Lorraine), LaPuente, CA; 3 sisters, Betty (Vincent) Ketcham, Sioux Falls, SD, Dorothy Ketcham, Parker, SD, Carol Stinehart, Sioux Falls, SD and many nieces and ...
Doris married Donald Sheppard on May 29, 1942 in Luverne, MN. The newlyweds lived in Sioux Falls, where Don worked at John Morrell & Company and the young bride learned to cook. They later moved to Colton, SD where Doris clerked for years in the local grocery store, a job she loved ...
Mitchell, SD, Sharon Brooks, Pipestone, MN, Larry Wold, Minneapolis, MN and Linda Brekke, Sioux Falls, SD; brother, Vernon Norman, Bloomington, MN; numerous nieces and nephews; 19 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren.