代码:https://github.com/arojsubedi/SIoU(非官方复现) Motivation 本文动机比较简单,就是观察到IoU损失在优化过程中会出现在目标框附近震荡的现象,(我在3D IoU实验中也遇到过,确实存在,且小尺度目标抖动格外剧烈)。该现象将导致IoU损失收敛速度受影响,甚至滑向次优的极小值。 因此作者对IoU损失约束进行细化,除...
inner_siou = calculate_inner_siou(box1, box2) print(inner_siou.item()) # 打印Inner SIoU值 替换Inner SIoU损失函数(基于MMYOLO) 由于MMYOLO中没有实现Inner SIoU损失函数,所以需要在mmyolo/models/iou_loss.py中添加Inner SIoU的计算和对应的iou_mode,修改完以后在终端运行 python setup.py install ...
SIoU: 为True时计算SIoU LOSS (新增) EIoU: 为True时计算EIoU LOSS (新增) WIoU: 为True时计算WIoU LOSS (新增) Focal: 为True时,可结合其他的XIoU生成对应的IoU变体,如CIoU=True,Focal=True时为Focal-CIoU alpha: AlphaIoU中的alpha参数,默认为1,为1时则为普通的IoU,如果想采用AlphaIoU,论文alpha默认值...
Besides, i have already tried pvt designed loss funcion simillar to siou last month and get no improvement on coco. sdreamforchen commented Jun 3, 2022 是, 論文裡有個比較ciou和siou的圖. scylla-net本身應該還好, 從內文的描述推測, 他展示的應該是batch 32的推論時間. 哎。我也打算下一个尝...
LOSS (yolov5自带) DIoU: 为True时计算DIoU LOSS (yolov5自带) CIoU: 为True时计算CIoU LOSS (yolov5自带,默认使用) SIoU: 为True时计算SIoU LOSS (新增) EIoU: 为True时计算EIoU LOSS (新增) WIoU: 为True时计算WIoU LOSS (新增) Focal: 为True时,可结合其他的XIoU生成对应的IoU变体,如CIoU=True,...
SIoU loss定义: 七、WIoU loss 论文:《Wise-IoU: Bounding Box Regression Loss with Dynamic Focusing Mechanism》 Focal EIoU v1被提出来解决质量较好和质量较差的样本间的BBR平衡问题,但由于其静态聚焦机制(FM),非单调FM的潜力没有被充分利用,基于这一思想,作者提出了一种基于IoU的损失,该损失具有动态非单调FM...
Search before asking I have searched the YOLOv5 issues and discussions and found no similar questions. Question Hi, In train.py, computeLoss function utilizes bbox_iou function in utils/metrics.py. There are different types such as IoU, ...
IoU(Intersection over Union)损失是目标检测算法中常用的损失函数之一。为了进一步提高YOLOv3-Ultralytics的性能,我们可以尝试使用多种IoU损失计算方法,如CIoU、GIoU和DIoU等。这些损失函数在原有的IoU基础上引入了不同的改进项,以更好地优化模型。 四、Focal Loss Focal Loss是一种用于解决目标检测中类别不平衡问题...
Accordingly, in this paper, we address the above-mentioned problem by proposing a novel tracking method based on a distance-IoU (DIoU) loss, such that the proposed tracker consists of target estimation and target classification. The target estimation part is trained to predict the DIoU score ...
Accurate bounding-box regression with distance-IoU loss for visual tracking Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Volume 83, February 2022, Page 103428 Purchase options CorporateFor R&D professionals working in corporate organizations. Academic and personalFor academic or personal use only...