Sion's minimax theorem - Eufisky - The lost book 某家公司的笔试题 级数方法解答的一道积分不等式题 Sion's minimax theoremEufisky posted @ 2015年11月13日 03:41 in 数学分析 with tags 定理 , 2653 阅读 设二元函数f(x,y)f(x,y)在正方形闭区域[0,1]×[0,1][0,1]×[0,1]上连续,记I=...
The first main result of the paper is a geodesic metric space version of Sion's minimax theorem; we believe our proof is novel and broadly accessible as it relies on the finite intersection property alone. The second main result is a specialization to geodesically complete Riemannian manifolds:...
In mathematics, and in particular game theory, Sion's minimax theorem is a generalization of John Von Neumann's minimax theorem. It states: Let X be a compact convex subset of a linear topological space and Y a convex subset of a linear topological space. If f is a real-valued function...
, A simple proof of Sion's minimax theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly 112 (2005), no. 4, 356- 358.J. Kindler, A simple proof of Sion's minimax theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly 112 (2005) 356-358.J. Kindler, A simple proof of Sion's minimax theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly 112 (2005), ...
A simple proof of Sion’s minimax theorem. J\"urgen Kindler. The American Mathematical Monthly . 2005J. Kindler, A simple proof of Sion's minimax theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly 112 (2005) 356-358.Kindler, J. (2005), "A simple proof of Sion's minimax theorem," American Mathematical ...
KKM spaceFan–Browder fixed point theoremIn an abstract convex space (,;), we show that the partial KKM principle is equivalent to a Fan–Browder type fixed point theorem and that this theorem implies generalized forms of the von Neumann–Sion minimax theorem....
Minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric multi-players zero-sum game with two strategic variables We consider a symmetric multi-players zero-sum game with two strategic variables. There are $n$ players, $n\\geq 3$. Each player is denoted by $i$. Two strategic variables are $t_i...
1. A modified version of Sion's minimax theorem with the coincidence of the maximin strategy and the minimax strategy are proved by the existence of a symmetric Nash equilibrium. 2. The existence of a symmetric Nash equilibrium is proved by the modified version of Sion's minimax theorem with...
It is shown here that this Elementary KKM theorem is equivalent to Klee's theorem, the Elementary Alexandroff– Pasynkov theorem, the Elementary Ky Fan theorem and the Sion–von Neumann minimax theorem, as well as a few other classical results with an extra convexity assumption; hence the ...
minimaxsaddlepointFor each prime p let p# be the product of the primes less than or equal to p. Using a new type of microcomputer coprocessor, we have found five new primes of the form n! - 1, two new primes of the form p# + 1, seven new primes of the form p# - 1, and ...