EDS,XRD,XPS有什么不同 原子吸收光谱(Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, AAS) 根据蒸气相中被测元素的基态原子对其原子共振辐射的吸收强度来测定试样中被测元素的含量;适合对纳米材料中痕量金属杂质离子进行定量测定,检测限低 ,ng/cm3,10-10—10-14g;测量准确度很高,1%(3 2020-04-01 16:18 News WIKI 相关搜索 ...
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed that all the synthesized films contain titanium, silicon, and oxygen with the concentration depending on the HMDSO delivery rate. The nitrogen and carbon contents were both measured at below one atomic percent after the etching of the films. Reasonably ...
The atomic percent ratios of Si/V are respectively ca. 0, 0.23, 0.45, 0.62, 0.83, 1.12, which are in close proximity to the initial ratios in the deposition solutions. Film structure. Fig. 2 depicts the typical XRD patterns of VO2- SiO2 composite films with different Si/V molar ratios...
A substrate is described having a treated contact surface comprising a carbon or silicon compound comprising from 1 to 30 atomic percent oxygen, from 0.1 to 30 atomic percent nitrog
The SiO2/TiO2/Nb2O5material (designed by SiTiNb) was prepared in two mass proportions, and the samples obtained were SiTiNb-A and SiTiNb-B. The choice theoretical mass percent of TiO2and Nb2O5on the materials was based on other studies of the group, to verify this dependence in the ...