First, there are two different bugs that potentially could cause an error like: mc ls --versions minio/krmkzs/masdfmm/data/lkasldfkljsdf/ajskldlfdskjl mc: <ERROR> Unable to list folder. We encountered an internal error, please try again.: cause(sio: authentication failed) One (which m...
sio_error("Sio_putl error");returnn; }ssize_tSio_puts(chars[]){ssize_tn;if((n = sio_puts(s)) <0) sio_error("Sio_puts error");returnn; }voidSio_error(chars[]){ sio_error(s); }
Everything was fine untill today when I open my pc I got a error message SIO Power ok delay failed. I got this error when I changed; -CPU power phase extreme to optimized -Phase spread spectrum off to on. Voltages jump 1.280 while It set 1.250 manuel mode. ...
操作が失敗した場合、または保留中の場合、 WSAIoctl または WSPIoctl 関数は SOCKET_ERRORを返します。拡張エラー情報を取得するには、 WSAGetLastError を呼び出します。 テーブルを展開する エラー コード意味 WSA_IO_PENDING 重複した操作が正常に開始され、後で完了が示されます。 WSA_OPERATION...
After launching openvslam with Pangolin and facing problems with visualisation #358 I wanted to try it with SocketViewer. I followed the Installation guide but during the final building encountered the error. What am I doing wrong? cmake...
Hello, Everything was fine untill today when I open my pc I got a error message SIO Power ok delay failed. I got this error when I changed; - 414430
如果作業失敗或擱置中,WSAIoctl或WSPIoctl函式會傳回SOCKET_ERROR。 若要取得擴充的錯誤資訊,請呼叫WSAGetLastError。 錯誤碼意義 WSA_IO_PENDING已成功起始重迭的作業,且稍後將會指出完成。 WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED因為通訊端關閉或SIO_FLUSH IOCTL 命令的執行而取消重迭的作業。
摘要: Examines errors in determining the refractive index and thickness of very thin silicon oxide films on c-silicon substrates as measured with the commonly used rotating analyzer ellipsometer. Error sources; Errors in ellipsometric constants; Value of the extracted parameters for thin films....
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER传递给系统调用的数据区域太小。 如果lpvOutBuffer参数指向的缓冲区大小在cbOutBuffer参数中传递的缓冲区太小,则返回此错误。 所需的缓冲区大小将返回在lBytesReturned参数中。 WSA_IO_PENDING已成功启动重叠操作,稍后将指示完成。
建 筑物电力故障,没有必需的动作;3.JNGG或JNGL旅行和是 重新安排,没有必需的动作;4.SIO和电力的连接松动,检查松 动的接线; 1202 Exception68332TX5报告CP U错误 1000...1100代替 除外向量:0=重新安排最初的打断堆指针,1=重新安排程序计数 器,2=Bus error,3=地址错误,4=I非法指令,5 =整数分开在0身边,...