Sinwa (Singapore) Pte Ltd 主营业务:
SINWA (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD is an international purchaser from Singapore, need to buy products of Office Stationery, Tool, Utensils, Kitchenware and Tableware, Hardware, Home Appliances etc. categories. (该公司是一家国际采购商,来自新加坡,需要购买的产品类别包括:办公文具、工具、器皿及餐厨用品、五金制品...
Sinwa operates a 1500 M2 double-story dedicated provisions warehouse, equipped with Singapore's largest freezer and chiller facilities in the Ship Supply Industry. Food deliveries alongside vessels at shipyard, container terminals and offshore jetties are made by reefer trucks, assuring cold integrity...
For customers who would like the benefit of a value proposition, Sinwa is ready to make a consumables offer for your vessels calling Singapore. So do not hesitate to reach out to us and explore the Sinwa experience for yourself. « Back to HomeCopyright...
申请注册号:3042857 申请日期:2001-12-18 国际分类:第35类-广告销售 申请人: 新和(新加坡)私人有限公司;SINWA(SINGAPORE)PTELTD 办理/代理机构: 大连市商标事务所 商标进度 注册申请 2001-12-18 初审公告 2003-09-14 已注册 2003-12-14 终止 2023-12-13 商标信息 商标图案 商标名称 SINWA 国际分类...
注册公告日期2007-11-21 专用权期限2017-11-21-2027-11-20 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)新和(新加坡)私人有限公司 申请地址(中文)新加坡629057邮区裕群圈28 申请人名称(英文)SINWA(SINGAPORE)PTE LTD 申请地址(英文)28 JOO KOON CIRCLE,SINGAPORE 629057 代理/办理机构信息 代理/办理机构北京金信知识产权代理有限...
申请/注册号:G943412申请日期:2007-12-19国际分类:第35类-广告销售商标申请人:SINWA(SINGAPORE)PTELTD办理/代理机构:- SINWA撤销连续三年停止使用注册商标中 申请/注册号:3320949申请日期:2002-09-26国际分类:第39类-运输贮藏商标申请人:新和(新加坡)私人有限公司;SINWA(SINGAPORE)PTELTD办理/代理机构:北京金信知识...
Stay hydrated all day during work or leisure time with our handy-sized silhouette shaped bottles that are easy to carry, light and resistant. Keep your “companion” bottle close to hand and share it for all your meals. « Back to HomeCopyright © 2023 Sinwa Singapore Pte Ltd ...
Sinwa is stockist of Beaupre Mineral Water in Singapore. More about Beaupre Mineral Water » Provisions Warehouse Introduction Sinwa operates a HACCP certified Provisions Warehouse, dedicated to the Marine & Offshore Industry. We are pleased to take you on a small tour through our facilities. ...
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