PrincipalWaynesKettlersaidhehadworkedwithmanyoutstandingteachersinhis22yearsasaneducator,butPetersonis“justthatonestepaboveanybodyI’veeverworkedwithbefore”. KettlerandothersatMonteCristoElementarySchooltalkaboutthewaysshehasintroducedthelearningfromotherclassroomsintohermusicprogramandhercreativityinworkingaroundthingssuch...
"Regrets, I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention, " Frank Sinatr a sang in his 1969 hit My Way. The song's ide a is attractive: Anyone can just say that what's done is done and move on. But some people take the ide a a step further and say that they have ...
题目 "Regrets, I've had a few. But then again, too few to mention," Frank Sinatr a sang in his 1969hit "My Way." The song's ide a is attractive: that anyone can just say that what's done is done and move on. But some people take the ide a a step further and say that ...