Related to Sinusoidal waveform:sine wave sine wave n. A waveform with deviation that can be graphically expressed as the sine curve. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Miffli...
Thus, the digital sinusoidal wave function series generating circuit with a small area and operated at high speed is obtained without overflow oscillation.KOIZUMI YUJI
Learn the definition of Sinusoidal function and browse a collection of 21 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
wave•form (ˈweɪvˌfɔrm) n. the shape of a wave, usu. represented as a graph of the instantaneous values of a periodic quantity as a function of time. [1840–50] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 19...
I am trying to find a simple sine-wave based function with a period of 1 where the crest is at h and trough at l, where l,h are reals and l < h. The function doesn't have to be continuous. The closest I've come so far is using the simple following piece-wise function:...
The most general expression of a sine waveform as a function of time (t) is (Sine wave): (8)y(t)=A·sin(2πft+φ)=A·sin(ωt+φ) where: A, amplitude, the peak value of the function (seeFig. 6). f, frequency, the number of cycles per second, inverse of the periodT. ...
6、sinusoidal electromagnetic wave [电] 正弦电磁波 7、sinusoidal field [电] 正弦场 8、sinusoidal function [计] 正弦函数 9、sinusoidal impulse [计] 正弦脉冲 10、sinusoidal input source [计] 正弦输入源 11、sinusoidal oscillator [电] 正弦波振荡器 12、sinusoidal ostium [医] 窦状隙, 窦状口(心无...
Each of these pieces is a sine wave with a different frequency. 每个小部分是有着不同频率的正弦波。 —— 给力词典精选 5. Function signal generator of the system can produce sine, square, triangular wave. 函数信号发生器本系统能够产生正弦波、 方波 、 三角波。
Period of a Sinusoidal Function Period is the length of one cycle before it repeats. A normal period of a sine wave is {eq}2\pi {/eq}. The period is represented by {eq}\frac{2\pi}{B} {/eq}, using the value of B in the equation {eq}y=sin(Bx) {/eq} we can compute the ...
In order to know if the phase is different from zero, we can look at the variation of the sine around the origin of time. A sine wave with no instant phase should have an amplitude of 0 at t=0 and increase right after, which is the case of the blue sine functiony2(t). ...