GRAVIDADE DOS SINTOMAS DA COVID-19 E QUALIDADE DE VIDA NA COVID LONGA: QUAL A RELAO EM ADULTOS E IDOSOS?doi:10.25110/arqsaude.v28i1.2024-10771To evaluate the relationship between the severity of Covid-19 symptoms and quality of life adults and...
Los supervivientes de COVID-19 que necesitaron hospitalización presentaron síntomas persistentes y un deterioro de su calidad de vida. Los pacientes de UCI refirieron una mayor disminución de su calidad de vida, en comparación con los pacientes que no precisaron UCI. Abstract Background Hos...
Solido e Sintomas de Depresso, Ansiedade e Estresse em Adultos Durante a Pandemia da COVID-19doi:10.18256/2175-5027.2023.v15i2.4939This quantitative cross-sectional study sought to evaluate the psychological impacts resulting from social distancing during the COVID-...
SINTOMAS DE ANSIEDADE E DEPRESSO EM ACADMICOS DE FISIOTERAPIA DURANTE A PANDEMIA DA COVID-19doi:10.31668/movimenta.v15i2.13022GOIAS (Brazil)FAMILY supportHEALTH behaviorBECK Anxiety InventoryCOVID-19 pandemicMENTAL depressionDEPRESSION in women
The descriptors child, newborn, gastrointestinal tract and Covid-19 and alternative terms will be used. The results will be presented in table format and analyzed descriptively. Conclusion: This protocol will guide the development of a scope review on knowledg...