Rule a Vast Space Empire Explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate in a seamless blend of real-time strategy and 4X gameplay. Lead Your Forces Lead an emerging empire with a vast array of ships and strategies to choose from. Amass an Epic Fleet ...
Sins of a Solar Empire II 在这款无与伦比的实时4X策略游戏中为银河统治而战!你将通过军事力量、外交、贸易、文化、影响力和其他阴谋手段来探索、扩张、开发和消灭。 最近评测: 多半好评(124) 全部评测: 特别好评(5,443) 发行日期: 2024 年 8 月 15 日...
Sins of a Solar Empire II is the sequel to the critically acclaimed space strategy game that seamlessly blends real-time battle tactics with the depth of 4X. As both emperor and battle commander you must lead one of six playable factions to victory against the threat of extinction!
名称:Sins of a Solar Empire II - Paths to Power 类型:模拟,策略 开发商:Stardock Entertainment 发行商:Stardock Entertainment 系列:Stardock,Sins of a Solar Empire 发行日期:2025 年 3 月 27 日 访问网站Discord YouTube Facebook X 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 ...
「Sins of a Solar Empire II: Content Pass」內含原聲帶、Triumphs DLC、Reinforcements DLC、Harbinger 擴充內容和 Nemesis 擴充內容。 所有內容物將在未來於釋出時提供。 類型 戰略 特色 合作單人多人 「Sins of a Solar Empire II: Content Pass」 Content Pass 包括以下內容: 數位原聲帶(2024 年 9 月上市...
名称:Sins of a Solar Empire II - Reinforcements 类型:模拟,策略 开发商:Ironclad Games Corporation,Stardock Entertainment 发行商:Stardock Entertainment 系列:Stardock,Sins of a Solar Empire 发行日期:即将宣布 访问网站Discord YouTube Facebook X
Sins of a Solar Empire II进不去/连不上/登不上/玩不了的解决办法 解决方法一:优化网络环境 网络波动往往是导致游戏无法顺利进入的罪魁祸首。这时,你可以借助专业的网络加速工具,如奇游加速器。打开奇游后,搜索“Sins of a Solar Empire II”,它会自动为你优化电脑的网络环境,从而解决因网络问题导致的各种连接...
购买Sins of a Solar Empire II 特价促销!剩余时间 40:23:49 -25% ¥ 168.00 ¥ 126.00 添加至购物车 购买Sins of a Solar Empire II Premium Edition 包含6 件物品: Sins of a Solar Empire II, Sins of a Solar Empire II - Harbinger, Sins of a Solar Empire II - Paths to Power, Sins ...
You take the role of leader of one of the game's factions in order to build a stellar empire using force, trade, alliances, subterfuge and more. Sins of a Solar Empire II Features RULE A VAST SPACE EMPIRE Explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate in a seamless blend of real-time ...
Sins of a Solar Empire II ist die Fortsetzung des hoch gelobten Weltraumstrategiespiels, das Echtzeit-Kampftaktiken nahtlos mit der Tiefe von 4X verbindet. Standard 39,99 $49,99 $ Premium 79,99 $99,99 $ 79,99 $ 99,99 $ -20 % ...