Greed: the love of possessing found in the list of seven deadly sins. What does the sinful love of possessing do to us spiritually? How can the Holy Spirit help re-orient our perspective? This week on Groundwork we turn to scripture to answer these crucial questions. ...
God chose to inspire someone to insert this verse in order to clarify the true nature of God as being a "Trinity." Notice how mankind was being inspired as to how to "clarify" the Bible centuries after the departure of Jesus (pbuh). People continued to put words in...
Bible Book List Font Size Resources Hebrew/Greek Your ContentEzra 10 EasyEnglish Bible The people turn away from their sins 10 Ezra continued to pray, in front of God's temple. He was asking God to forgive his people's sins. He was weeping, and he was bending down low to the ground....
The cardinal sins are “sins that characterize fallen humanity,” according to orthodox Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church in particular (ReligionFacts). While the Bible does include lists of sins, none of these lists align with the traditional “deadly” sins known today; the list of se...
There are many examples in scripture where hopelessness and helplessness is a motivation to reach out to God. The word “prayer” means a special pleading to the king or lord of the manor. These are exactly the themes we still use, only we pray to that ultimate source of power. In Prove...
The sins are "deadly," then, primarily in their effect on the soul as divine judgment offers salvation or hurls it to damnation. Historical Perspective What became crystallized as the seven deadly sins does not appear as such in the Bible, although the Old and the New Testaments identify ...
There is a rule in the Catholic Church, that wherever the Mass is offered, there must be a crucifix on or near the altar. The cross is important for us, not just because Jesus died on it, but because, as he says, we – each of us, must carry our cross and do our part. As a...
which are a positive statement of morality and part of the Sermon on the Mount. While no list of these seven deadly sins appears as such in the Bible itself, each of them is condemned at various points in the text. A list of seven sins that God hates is found in Proverbs 6:16-19:...
While it is not customary for God to require one person to pay for the sins of another, there is an exception made in the case of the “Righteous Servant” of Isaiah 53. – I believe Daniel 9 identifies the Moshiach (Messiah) with the Righteous Servant in Isaiah 53. ...
7 Deadly Trading Sins - We've been running LTTTM for about 4 years now, and in that time we've literally received thousands of emails, so we thought it would be an entertaining experience to list some of the most common problems that traders write to us