If that dominion be real that being is the real God; if it be fictitious, a false God; if it be supreme, a supreme God." Newton also wrote a discussion on two other texts that Athanasius had attempted to corrupt. This work has not been preserved. He believed that not all the books ...
And those who disbelieve say to those who believe: Follow our path and we will bear your wrongs.And never shall they be the bearers of any of their wrongs; most surely they are liars. (meaning: the disbelievers cannoterase or even reduce the wrongs of the believers by bearing their wro...
If you need to take the second step in Jesus’ process, be careful whom you choose to come with you. The person (or persons) should be people whom the offender would be apt to listen to. If, for example, you take along your spouse or your best friend, chances are pretty good that ...
They cannot be saved then. They have chosen this path by their own free will – a Gift from God, which He cannot interfere with. But Satan can. And he does. Choose which life you want, the path of life towards God the Eternal Father ...