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Chinese and Chinese-Economic focused studies are very popular, as well as language courses and internships that focus on China. Sino Jobs puts these candidates in contact with all relevant companies.
After you logged into your account, go to "My Candidate Account" and "Events", where you can register for our event—— SinoJobs online Career Day 2022. Your ticket will be sent to you via mail. Interested Companies please click here for more information on how to participate in the SinoJ...
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Established as a specialized job portal in 2009, SinoJobs has a long history of supporting international (primarily European) companies in the race to find qualified professionals and managers for positions in China or Europe. Through our combination of China-Europe target-group optimized Job Listings...
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扫码入群,了解更多招聘信息! 点击查看全部职位信息 TopJobs 产品开发专员(全职/实习) DH FitLife GmbH -Hamburg, Germany 经理助理/实习生可转正 sf cargo gmbh -Duesseldorf, Germany Accountant/Tax Steuerassistent(in) CleverFiBu GmbH -Köln oder Düsseldorf, Germany ...