Sino-Japanese War- a war between China and Japan (1894 and 1895) over the control of the Korean Peninsula; China was overwhelmingly defeated at Port Arthur Chino-Japanese War Manchuria- a region in northeastern China Dae-Han-Min-Gook,Han-Gook,Korea,Korean Peninsula- an Asian peninsula (off ...
1 Aug 1894Declaration of Sino-Japanese War▲ After fighting a number of battles in Korea, the Chinese Empire and the Empire of Japan declared war on each other, officially starting the First Sino-Japanese wikipedia
Source: Wikipedia, "," available under the CC-BY-SA License. Official Links Propose Official Link Top Games Burma: The Campaign in Northern Burma, 1944 Rank: 4372 Fans: 58 Nemesis: Burma 1944 Rank: 8723 Fans: 27 War of the Sun...
网络甲午战争 网络释义 1. 甲午战争|基于 1 个网页 例句
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Also found in:Thesaurus,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Si·no·logue alsoSin·o·log(sī′nə-lôg′, -lŏg′, sĭn′ə-) n. A student of or specialist in Sinology. ...
Share on Facebook People's Liberation Army (redirected fromSinodefence) Dictionary </>embed</> Republic of I... Irish Republic Ireland Eire terrorist act People's Repu... Irish Nationa... INLA Catholic Reac... People's L... noun
Sino-Japanese War Sinologist Sinology sinoper sinopia sinopis Sinornis Sino-Tibetan Sino-Tibetan language sinter sinuate sinuosity sinuous sinuousness sinus sinus cavernosus sinus coronarius sinus ethmoidales sinus headache sinus paranasales sinus rectus sinus sigmoideus sinus transversus sinus venosus sc...
在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Second Sino-Japanese War"翻译成 中文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 The Second Sino-Japanese War claimed the lives of more than 20 million Chinese, mostly civilian. 第二次中日战争夺取了2000多万中国人的生命,其中大多数为平民。 LASER-wikipedia2 During the Second...
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Wikipedia. Sinology the study of Chinese history, language, culture, etc. Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically ...
To date, this content has been curated from Wikipedia articles and images under Creative Commons licensing, although as Hephaestus Books continues to increase in scope and dimension, more licensed and public domain content is be... (展开全部) 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 ...