Trial Run for Interventionism: The Spanish-American War Began after Spain Was Blamed for the Sinking of the USS Maine. but the War Was Provoked by Powerful U.S. Newspapers and Served the Interests of Big BanksUS. Secretary of State John Hay called the Spanish-American War of 1898 a "...
The respective front pages from the Journal and World, drawing similar conclusions that the sinking of the USS Maine was caused by Spanish treachery. Here’s what Puck Magazine thought of Pulitzer and Hearst in 1900. “Illustration showing a large hand labeled “LAW” holding up ...
Fifer C.H. Newton of the Marine contingent assigned to the USS Maine played the bugle well, and with a flair that even the commanding officer appreciated. Capt. Charles D. Sigsbee paused in writing a letter home and listened as the notes of "Taps" echoed back off the.hills surrounding ...
In Remembrance of the USS Maine; Observance Marks Anniversary of SinkingSteve Vogel
Veterans at Bangor Ceremony Remember Sinking of USS MaineBANGOR, Maine -- The cause of the explosion that sank thebattleship USS Maine 117 years ago in...Belanger, Evan