Out of 30 participants 4 subjects (13%) were unclear with item 33 on the exact meaning of the question. After discussing with the expert committee on all the issues rose at clinical setup the questionnaire was modified and finalized. Statistical analysis shows Cronbach Alpha value is greater ...
At the post-translation stage, the expert panel then reviewed each translation with the original tool, to assess the comparability of meaning and general linguistic clarity. The principal investigator with the expert comments then synthesised the DAST version 3.0. The expert panel reviewed the DAST ...
The experts suggest modifying item numbers ‘eight’ and ‘nine’ by including examples to clarify ‘illegal activities’ and ‘withdrawal symptoms’. The final DAST-SL was a brief nine-item tool with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. Each question answered as ‘yes’ was given a score of one ...