What is the meaning of die/dice Die is the singular form of dice. It comes from the French word des, a plural word for the same objects. In English, the most common way to make nouns plural is to add an s. If die followed that rule, its plural form would be dies. However, Engl...
This is because dice are usually used in pairs anyway, so many people don’t know there’s a different word for the singular. In addition, some sources, like the Oxford Dictionary, listsdiceas an acceptable singular and plural form ofdie. So,dicecan be either singular or plural. There ar...
nounthe form of a word that is used to denote a singleton Synonyms singular Related Words descriptor form signifier word form Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a...
be evidence that God is in communication with us. After all, we have only the word of prophets and preachers for that. But any logical person has to deduce that if a simple thing like a watch can't pull itself together out of nothing, certainly it's too much to expect of a universe...
die (plural dice) - An isohedral polyhedron, usually a cube Tests As part of the unit tests the results of the algorithm are compared with data from Wiktionary. There are (2021-07-10) 276574 single word english nouns in the English Wiktionary of which: 69.26971% (191582) are countable ...