Some nouns use the same singular and plural form: For Examples: aircraft – aircraft barracks – barracks deer – deer gallows – gallows moose – moose salmon – salmon hovercraft – hovercraft spacecraft – spacecraft series – series species – species means – means offspring – offspring dee...
Here are a few nouns that share the same form:Species - Species Deer - Deer Series - Series Sheep - SheepMoose - MooseCod - CodBison - Bison Baggage - Baggage Crossroads - CrossroadsImportant Rules to RememberHere are a few basic rules you should keep in mind while using singular and ...
Henry, child has an irregular plural form: children. Henry, moose has an irregular plural form. In fact, it is the exact same as the singular: moose. Henry, goose has an irregular plural form in which the vowels get changed: geese. Henry, ox has an irregular plural form: oxen. I ...
单数可数名词._SINGULAR_COUNTABLE_NOUNS 1. The use of determiners with singular countable nouns In English, singular countable nouns usually cannot be used alone; they must be preceded by a word such as a, the, each or every.e.g. a box the person each child every tree The words a, the...
of. Our free infographic provides a handy decision tree that you can use to decide how to change the singular form of a noun into the plural form. Simply start at the beginning and answer each question in turn in order to find out what the plural noun form of your word should look ...
moose, species Possessive Nouns • Possessive nouns show ownership. • There are four ways to make nouns possessive: 1. To form the possessive of most singular nouns, add ’s. • the pencil owned by the girl: • the collar owned by the dog: 2. To form the possessive of a singu...
A handful of nouns are completely irregular, such as “women”, “men”, or “children”, but non-native speakers usually learn very fast not to use the -s form in these cases. What causes much greater trouble are nouns that do not change ...
regular rules. according to the regular rules. Singular ending Singular ending-- s, ss, ch, sh, x, z s, ss, ch, sh, x, z –– Plural form add Plural form add ––es es Thomas Thomas- - Thomases Thomases Boss Boss--bosses bosses Fox Fox--foxes foxes Bush Bush--bushes bushes ...
adds. handfulhandfuls spoonfulspoonfuls armfularmfuls RulesonMakingNounsPlural 10.Afewnounsformthepluralbyaddingen orren. oxoxen childchildren RulesonMakingNounsPlural 11.Afewnounshavethesameformin singularandplural. deer sheep Japanese moose RulesonMakingNounsPlural 12.Afewnounsformthepluralbychanging ...