Java Design Pattern(Factory,Singleton,Prototype,Proxy) 一、Factory 设计模式: the most common pattern,create a new object ,eg. A a=new A();工厂模式的好处:工厂模式可以做到把创建对象单独提出来,起到解耦作用,即:如果要修改创建对象的逻辑不用在项目里的各处修改了,只需要在工厂里面修改一处就可以了,...
The Singleton pattern ensures a class has only one instance, and provides a global point of access to it. ASingletonis an elegant way of maintaining global state, but we should always question whether we need global state. Singleton pattern offers several advantages over global variables because ...
if ( SingletonDemo.instance.__proto__ == SingleDemo.prototype ) this is ensures type safety while using the singleton pattern. In AS3 I believe the describeType method should be using for runtime type checking. Anyway for the sake of argument I too used the null check in my example. Gr...
What a shame and waste of time, luckily I created a well-functioning prototype before showing my work to the team. (well. I did actually release a small sample to them) However I dumped the generic approach into the drain. So now I ended up with those stupid methods as you pointed ...