Object Oriented Programming has been a boon to the programmers without which development of huge systems is almost impossible. ABAP is no exception to that which is why
This is my singleton class in ABAP: CLASSzcl_jerry_singletonDEFINITIONPUBLICFINALCREATE PRIVATE.PUBLIC SECTION.INTERFACESif_serializable_object.CLASS-METHODSclass_constructor.CLASS-METHODSget_instanceRETURNINGVALUE(ro_instance)TYPE REF TOzcl_jerry_singleton.PROTECTED SECTION.PRIVATE SECTION.CLASS-DATAso_instanc...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Singleton is basically, a static instance creation, That means when you will request the instance creation of your object, in the same LUW, SAP will always propose you the same instance. You need to specify the creation of the instance is private, o...
But, if we take another reference to the class and create a instance of that, it will definatly allow. So, we need to have Singleton design pattern implemented. How to implement Singleton design Pattern in ABAP? We can use the CLASS-DATA(static data) to save the created instance within ...
A Comprehensive Guide to Using OLE Objects in SAP ABAP 1 aATP 1 ABAP 42 ABAP 7.4 2 ABAP API 1 ABAP BAPI BAPI_FIXEDASSET_CREATE1 1 ABAP BTP 1 ABAP CDS VIEW 2 ABAP CDS Views 12 ABAP CDS Views - BW Extraction 3 ABAP CDS Views - CDC (Change Data Capture) 3 ABAP Cl...
SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro ABAP, Virtualization hi, will anyone explain me the concept of cardinality, singleton & Initialize lead selection properties of noce. by example... when i need to set singleton /Initialize lead selection property true / fasle for perticular node... suppose i ...