Next Open House: Saturday, February 24, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 01 房屋基本信息 户型:5B4B (共11个房间,1 Fireplaces) 房屋标价:$2,350,000 居住面积:4,305 Sqft (地上 4,305 sf) 占地面积:0.37 Acre (15,936 Sq...
房屋特点 Style:Contemporary,White 建筑时间:2024 停车位: Parking Spaces: 3 Off-Street Garage Spaces: 3 Attached, Garage Door Opener, Heated 空调系统: Heat Zones: 5 Central Heat, Forced Air Cool Zones: 5 Central Air...
single-family-attached-dwelling 单一家庭附住宅 双语例句 权威例句 类别: 全部 口语 书面语 难度: 全部 简单 中等 难 1. A single storey attached dwelling, typically quite large.单楝多层住宅, 通常面积都是相当大.来自互联网 2. About 90 percent of the city's single-family homes are un...
1. disconnected or standing apart; not attached: a detached house. 2. (Psychology) having or showing no bias or emotional involvement; disinterested 3. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) social welfare working at the clients' normal location rather than from an office; not dependent on premises...
独立屋分为attached single family residence(双拼屋)和 Detached Single Family Residence( 独立屋别墅)。 双拼屋就是两栋房子两栋房屋有一堵公用的墙,但是能够拥有各自的门牌,独立屋别墅是那种独立院户的类型,能够拥有独立院子、车道、车库和庭院等等。 It is now a single-family residence and thatched again in 2012. The community consists primarily of single-family attached homes and townhomes.
Newer homes in North America favor attached garages, often facing the street, as most recent developments do not include alleys. Houses with an attached front entry garage that is closer to the street than any other part of the house is often derisively called a snout house. 展开 关键词:...
attached single-family house in a clusterdoi:10.1007/978-3-540-76435-9_721arch. urb. attached dwelling in a cluster [US ].arch. urb.attached dwelling in a cluster [USattached dwelling in a cluster [USattached dwelling in a cluster [US...
The government provides a broader definition. According to theU.S. Census Bureau, single-family homes may be “fully detached, semi-detached, row houses and townhouses.” However, for a dwelling that’s attached to other homes to be considered a single-family home, it “must be separated ...
Use of the Real Estate Market to Establish Light Rail Station Catchment Areas: Case Study of Attached Residential Property Values in Salt Lake County, Utah, by Light Rail Station Distance Considerable literature reports the price effects of light rail transit accessibility on residential properties buil...