introduced Customs Clearance Single Window System, whereby they have made it mandatory to show [...] 卡塔尔(QATAR)海关最近颁布推行报关 单一窗口 系统 (Single Window System), 藉此,規定把实际收货人的名称列于载货清单上。
The paper concludes by evaluating how single window systems can be used to combat customs corruption. It outlines several case studies including the Philippine Bureau of Customs, Georgia Customs and Qatar Customs where the automation of customs processes was credited with reducing corruption in the ...
Effects of Rwanda Electronic Single Window (RESW) on the Movement of Goods along the Rwandan Customs Posts The movement of goods is made complex and unpredictable by various factors. Some of the factors are formal while others are informal. In order to facilitat... N Vincent - 《Oalib》 被...