The DoAP was sampled from three 7-month-old deer (prepubertal; before pedicles start to grow), and the AcAP and FP from three 10-month-old deer (pubertal; pedicle growth has initiated; and FP was sampled at this stage, as we believe FP should still be comparatively quieter to the activ...
This is a randomized, controlled, double-blind, single-dose, single-center parallel-group clinical trial to assess the effects of a single dose of amisulpride (100 mg) on blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) responses during reward- and motivation-related processing in healthy subjects (n ...
Stage-wise testing aims to control the overall false discovery rate (OFDR)27, i.e., the expected proportion of genes with at least one falsely rejected null hypothesis among all genes declared DE. In our case, the OFDR can be interpreted as a gene-level FDR28. Stage-wise testing is ...
The number of 4n nuclei in the non-hepatocyte cluster was below 7%, which could be explained either by cell cycle stage (11 nuclei were in division) or technical bias during FACS sorting (e.g., nuclei tend to clump together). Therefore, FACS sorting of nuclei according to their DNA ...
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease, and histopathologic glomerular lesions are among the earliest structural alterations of DN. However, the signaling pathways that initiate these glomerular alterations are incomple
[issue #53] string_span<>: to_string triggers SFINAE errors on basic_string_span's move & copy constructor with Clang-3.9 (define gsl_CONFIG_CONFIRMS_COMPILATION_ERRORS) [issue #53a] narrow<>(): Allows narrowing double to float without MSVC level 4 warning C4127: conditional expression ...
The DoAP was sampled from three 7-month-old deer (prepubertal; before pedicles start to grow), and the AcAP and FP from three 10-month-old deer (pubertal; pedicle growth has initiated; and FP was sampled at this stage, as we believe FP should still be comparatively quieter to the activ...
In the step for estimating doublet rate using the doubletFinder_v3 function, the doublet rate was assumed to be 1%, as suggested by 10x Genomics (, pN was set at 0.05...
To avoid double-dipping, the control donors were split into two groups and used to compute the fold-changes for C9-ALS and C9-FTD respectively (see Methods). Only genes that were significantly DE in both comparisons with these split controls are shown in the scatter plot. Highlighted are ...
In addition, the oocytes in our data clustered together with fetal oogonia, suggesting that they represent the earliest developmental stage of an oocyte, and stem from the primordial follicles established in the fetal ovaries. At last, the expression profile of the detected oocytes lacks markers of...