One of the goals of computational biology is to achieve multi-omics models that integrate all these biological data and give a single picture of the cell [5]. Currently, in the absence of such advanced models of the cell, transcriptomics data are helpful because they represent a vast and ...
Single-agent therapies that are supported by clinical data are recommended for patients who are likely to achieve disease control with 1 drug, Borghaei says. Approved chemoimmunotherapy or immunotherapy combinations have demonstrated manageable safety profiles and should be considered in appropriate pa...
The idea of a single-payer health care plan has been getting a lot of buzz lately. Why all the interest, when it’s likely there’s little chance of
29, which suggested that the antiviral drug plitidepsin may have an ideal effect on elderly patients and infants30. However, this speculation was based on the drug target. Due to the unique pharmacokinetics in infants, we could not give definitive...
circulation. These cells might in part explain the multi-organ pathology observed in COVID-19, as activated T cells might travel via the blood to secondary organs and cause inflammation and tissue damage. Future work might demonstrate the effect of these activated T cells on tissue inflammation....
). Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Full size image Chromatin landscape and heterogeneity in the neuroblastoma bone marrow metastatic niche To investigate the underlying chromatin regulation associated with exhibited cell type-specific gene expression in BM metastases, we conducted scATAC...
The epicardium, the mesothelial envelope of the vertebrate heart, is the source of multiple cardiac cell lineages during embryonic development and provides signals that are essential to myocardial growth and repair. Here we generate self-organizing human pluripotent stem cell-derived epicardioids that ...
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: Ms Spaans, Dr Machluf, Ms Yassin-Rajkumar, and Drs Anderson, Popovic, and Diaz-Mitoma are employees of the funding source and played a role in the design and conduct of the study; interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript;...
Mapping a cynomolgus monkey multi-organ cell atlas by multi-omic analysis To generate a reference cell map of monkey, we performed both single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq; 10x Genomics; n = 174,233 cells) and scATAC-seq (10x Genomics; n = 66,566 cells) in 16 tissues and ...
Overall, 20.7% (301/1455) of patients showed natural RASs, and the prevalence of multiclass-resistance was 7.3% (29/372 patients analysed). NS3-RASs were particularly common in GT1a and GT1b (45.2-10.8%, respectively), mainly due to 80K presence in GT1a (17%). Almost all GTs showed...