Cite this chapter Za, S., D’Atri, E., Resca, A. (2011). Single Sign-On in Cloud Computing Scenarios: A Research Proposal. In: D'Atri, A., Ferrara, M., George, J., Spagnoletti, P. (eds) Information Technology and Innovation Trends in Organizations. Physica-Verlag HD. https://...
Cloud users no need to deploy the resources at their site because resources are available at the provider's side and they provide it and charged on usage basis. This paper focuses on the concept of Single-Sign-On (SSO) across all the open cloud to use their computing resources in single ...
Cloud computing and Software as a Service infrastructure are becoming important factors in E-commerce and E-business processes. Users may access simultaneously to different E-services supplied by several providers. An efficient approach to authenticate and authorize users is needed to avoid problems abou...
SSO Easy enables SAML 2.0 Cloud Single Sign-On (SSO) for Dell Boomi, saving your organization time and money, while dramatically increasing usage and security. Make the most of your organization's move to the cloud by enabling your users to Single Sign-On (SSO) to Dell Boomi Go live in...
Single Sign-On (SSO) is a user authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications or systems with a single set of
Les offres cloud spécifiquement disponible dans la région Chine vous intéressent? Rendez-vous Publié le:May 28, 2020 Les clients peuvent désormais connecter leur cloud d’identité Okta à AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) une seule fois, gérer l...
Finally it will be described, through steps, an example of how JOSSO creates simple Single Sign-On environment. Furthermore it will be described an example of a Single Sign-On solution in combination with Cloud computing and finally it will be given an example with a two factor authentication...
In this work we are going to extend this architecture by proposing a unified Authentication and Key Agreement mechanism suitable for both mobile mutual authentication and cloud's authentication and Single-Sign-On. 展开 关键词: proxy certificate mobile cloud computing LTE EPS authentication and key ...
AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) is now available in the EU (Stockholm) Region. For a full list of the regions where AWS SSO is available, see the AWS Region Table. AWS SSO makes it easy to centrally manage access to multiple AWS accounts and business applications and provide users with single...
single sign-on (security) (SSO) Any user authentication system permiting users to access multiple data sources through a single point of entry. Part of an integrated access management framework. This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( ...