Single-shotReal-timeLight-weightAlthough massive breakthrough has been made in face detection, it is still worth investigating how to achieve a balance between real-time speed and high performance since effective face detectors are computationally restrictive generally. In this paper, we construct a ...
论文地址: Github地址: PyramidBox是WIDER FACE人脸检测的三料冠军,先看一下它的效果吧。 图中的1000张人脸被识别出890张,可以看出PyramidBox对比较小的、或者部分遮挡的人脸均有比较好的识别效果。
论文地址: Github地址: PyramidBox是WIDER FACE人脸检测的三料冠军,先看一下它的效果吧。 图中的1000张人脸被识别出890张,可以看出PyramidBox对比较小的、或者部分遮挡的人脸均有比较好的识别效果。
Stage 2:对于距离anchor scale太远的faces(outer face),计算和它们IoU大于0.1的anchor,然后选top-N,来增加这些outer face的匹配anchor数量过少问题。如下图(a): Max-out background label 第二部分探讨了anchor和face的不同性质导致的问题,而第三部分探讨的是anchor/face在不同scale的分布问题。我们知道在detectio...
论文:《DSSD:Deconvolutional Single Shot Detector》 论文地址: 1、背景 SSD算法在检测小目标时精度并不高,本文是在在SSD的基础上做出一些改进,引入卷积层,能综合上下文信息,提高模型性能。 DSSD针对小目标鲁棒性太差,提出了以下两个贡献: 1. 把SSD的基准网络从VGG换成了Resne....
PyramidBox: A Context-assisted Single ShotFace Detector.Xu Tang ∗ , Daniel K. Du ∗ , Zeqiang He, and Jingtuo Liu †Baidu,,{hezeqiang,liujingtuo}@baidu.comAbstract. Face detection has been well studied for many years and oneof remain...
This is an unofficial Tensorflow re-implementation ofPyramidBox: A Context-assisted Single Shot Face Detector, which achieves superior performance among the state-of-the-art on the two common face detection benchmarks, FDDB and WIDER FACE.
Face detection has been well studied for many years and one of the remaining challenges is to detect small, blurred and partially occluded faces in uncontrolled environment. This paper proposes a novel context-assisted single shot face detector, named PyramidBox, to handle the hard face detection ...
cnnssdconvolutional-neural-networksobject-detectionsingle-shot-detection UpdatedAug 30, 2019 Python photonet artificial-intelligenceface-recognitionsocial-profilesbiometric-authenticationsingle-shot-detectionface-search UpdatedJun 24, 2020 Python This project focuses on a 2021 research paper on target detection ...
In this work, we describe a single-shot scale-aware convolutional neural network based face detector (SFDet). In comparison with the state-of-the-art anchor-based face detection methods, the main advantages of our method are summarized in four aspects. (1) We propose a scale-aware detection...