Added code-blocks around characters to match in body. Source Link Full edited Aug 3, 2015 at 13:39 Bond edited Aug 3, 2015 at 13:39 Bond 16.3k 6 32 55 Inline Side-by-side Side-by-side Markdown detect " and Detect quote ("), VBScriptsingle quote (') and comma in string...
nb creates notes in text-based formats like Markdown, Org, LaTeX, and AsciiDoc, can work with files in any format, can import and export notes to many document formats, and can create private, password-protected encrypted notes and bookmarks. With nb, you can write notes using Vim, Emacs...
Markdown Previewer Height and width set for many extension May 26, 2024 Math Facts Extension Reset button in Maths Facts extension is added. Jun 7, 2024 Matrix Calculator Matrix Calculator Jun 5, 2024 Maze Game Maze Game Jun 5, 2024 Memory Game Height and width set for many extension May...
“If you see a backslash or a single quote, replace it with a backslash and whatever you saw.” That’s what I wanted to say anyway. Good. But I wrote this inMarkdown, so now I have to generate the HTML and the go through it and make sure that I restore whatever backslashes Ma...
You can use Markdown to format your question. For more examples see the Markdown Cheatsheet. > I’m a blockquote. I’m a blockquote. [I'm a link] ( I'm a link **I am bold** I am bold *I am italicized* I am italicized Log in to Reply Community...
Supplementary Data 3 – HTML output of the R markdown file in Supplementary Data 2. Supplementary Data 4 – Table containing all the results of the pairwise comparisons for all sequences with over 99% similarity (referred to as pairwise_percent_identity_over_99.csv). Supplementary Data 5 –...
22.5 kBMarkdownView Raw 1 > This plug-in is still experimental. Feel free to provide feedback and even contribute.2 3 ## Call for Feedback 4 5 A poll about the use of `single-spa`'s `unloadApplication()` function has been opened. It will help the development 6 of this plug...
We already have the best way possible for a user to make a post look like he wants: Markdown. Lets just render that cleanly out, lets not cripple it. Trying to make design decisions for the user resulted in the current situation. It showed that we can't predict the content. So, I ...
You can use Markdown to format your question. For more examples see the Markdown Cheatsheet. > I’m a blockquote. I’m a blockquote. [I'm a link] ( I'm a link **I am bold** I am bold *I am italicized* I am italicized Log in to Rep...
“Interesting how the costs come down. Beam-steered phased arrays aren’t exactly new, PAVE PAWS radar was first operational in 1980.” It’s a lot older than that, even. Some pre-WW2 radio telescopes could be considered to be 1-dimensional precursors of the concept, while some WW2 radars...