版权ChrisVanLennepPhoto TIFF大小 45.7MB 格式JPG 编辑图片 以图搜图 大图:4896×3264像素·41.45cm ×27.64cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000×667像素·35.28cm ×23.53cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500×333像素·17.64cm ×11.75cm·72dpi·JPG 了解更多 图片套餐 ...
版权ChrisVanLennepPhoto TIFF大小 45.7MB 格式JPG 编辑图片 以图搜图 大图:4896×3264像素·41.45cm ×27.64cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000×667像素·35.28cm ×23.53cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500×333像素·17.64cm ×11.75cm·72dpi·JPG 了解更多 图片套餐 ...
An independent claim is also included for a fan comprising a driving shaft for driving a fan disk centered on a longitudinal axis.RAES MARC, ALFRED
This article analyses the adverse impact of Chopin Airport in Warsaw on the prices of single-family houses located within the aircraft noise impact zone. The specific feature of the largest airport in Poland is its location within the city limits and the resulting direct surroundings of both multi...
Pitch-catch active sensing methods in structural health monitoring for aircraft structures. Struct. Health Monit. 2008, 7, 5–19. [CrossRef] 12. Kundu, T. Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation: Engineering and Biological Material Characterization; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2003. 13. ...