We are publishing separate Manifestos for Scotland and Wales. Law and Order Protection of the law-abiding citizen is a prime duty of the State. We have given higher priority to the support of law and order and the reduction of crime than any Government for many years. The overall volume of...
but £25 per person per year appears to be a reasonable working estimate. This is more than the sector can spend at the moment given its current capacity, which is why we recommend a five-year settlement that “back-loads” funding towards the final years.All Party Group for Walking and...
This is not the end of our tax cutting ambitions. With proper control of government spending in the second half of the next Parliament we can cut taxes further. Among our priorities will be to raise the Inheritance Tax threshold and to raise the threshold at which people begin to pay higher...
We have given special help to Britain's hill farmers, and agreed very worthwhile Community schemes for beef and sheepmeat. These have all brought great benefits to Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the uplands of England. We have launched successfully the 'Food from Britain' campaign, which...
We have the anomaly of MPs from Scotland and Northern Ireland voting on laws that apply only to England and Wales. The House of Lords, historically a source of balance and independence, has suffered a botched reform. People identify with their local communities. But under this Government they...