Raise Personal Allowance for pensioners by £2,000 £0.8 billion Increase Children's Tax Credit by £200 a year for families with children under the age of 5 £0.3 billion Abolish tax on Widowed Mother's Allowance and Widowed Parent's Allowance £0.1 billion Introduce a new Married ...
There will be no change in the present status of Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom unless the people of Northern Ireland so wish it. That is at the heart of the Anglo-Irish Agreement which was signed with the Republic of Ireland in 1985. The Agreement offers reassurance to ...
The first step would be to pay tax credits for children, including the first child, for whom mothers at present receive no family allowance at all. These child credits, which will be paid to the mother, will be worth more than the existing income tax child allowances and family allowances...
Funeral of mother of one killed when van hit gates in Rathkeale to take place this weekend How much does the Government spend supporting Irish emigrants in the US? Housing Agency buys 120 homes with tenants in situ for up to €645,000 each ...
We shall base the whole of our international policy on a recognition that in world affairs the Mother Country must act in the closest possible concert with all other parts of the British Commonwealth and Empire. We shall never forget their love and steadfastness when we stood alone against the...
Widows and widowers find supporting children particularly difficult. Conservatives will give extra help to all widows and widowers with dependent children by removing tax on the Widowed Mother's Allowance and the new Widowed Parent's Allowance. This will provide a valuable increase of up to £20...