Adams, T.D.; Davidson, L.E.; Litwin, S.E.; Kolotkin, R.L.; LaMonte, M.J.; Pendleton, R.C.; Strong, M.B.; Vinik, R.; Wanner, N.A.; Hopkins, P.N.; et al. Health benefits of gastric bypass surgery after 6 years. JAMA 2012, 308, 1122–1131. [Google Scholar] [Cross...
The company will perform the work at the Marine Corps Air Stations in Camp Pendleton, Calif.; Yuma, Ariz.; and San Diego; and at the Marine Corps Air Facility Kaneohe Bay in Hawaii. 该公司将在加利福尼亚州Camp Pendleton、San Diego、亚利桑那州Yuma的海军陆战队航空站以及夏威夷Kaneohe湾的海军陆...