Hard To Find Whisky is a worldwide online Whisky store supplying rare, collectable & newly released Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Any UK order delivered £5.95
At Wine-Searcher we spell it "whiskey" when we refer to the Irish or American product and also when we speak of the generic brown spirit; we use "whisky" when specifically referring to styles that use that spelling, so apologies for the seeming inconsistencies.) Single malt Scotch has held...
It's easy to spend a lot of money on wine, but if you really want to impress people, aim for single malt whisky. Single malts are considered the top of the tree for distilling, for a few reasons: provenance, age, relative rarity and the frankly outrageous price tags attached to an in...
Single Malt Scotch Whisky 产地:英国 / 度数:43%vol 诗人情怀 罗伯特·彭斯是一位有名苏格兰诗人,从小熟悉苏格兰民谣和古老传说,并曾搜集、整理民歌,主要用苏格兰语写作,所作诗歌受民歌影响,通俗流畅,便于吟唱,在民间广为流传,被认为是苏格兰的民族诗人。
单一纯麦威士忌(Single Malt Whisky)可谓富有苏格兰特色的威士忌品种之一。百分之百以大麦芽酿造,全程使用传统的蒸馏器,由同一家酒厂酿制,不与其他酒厂的纯麦威士忌做任何混合。 单一纯麦威士忌也是苏格兰威士忌中价格较昂贵的品种,因为酿造时所采用的大麦芽需要用大量的泥煤来熏干。泥煤又称泥炭或草炭,是在古代沼泽环...
年度BEST马尔贝克!智利一级庄!金丝马尔贝克干红 La Ronciere Malbec 2019 大家都在买 ¥199 葛兰许、神恩山齐名“澳洲三剑客”!连Parker都惊呼“万岁”的膜拜Clarendon Hills Astralis ¥199 【97分+多金奖】意大利阿玛可尼 饱满凝炼甘口的阿玛罗尼风格 Cantine Di Ora Amicale 2020 ...
From our signature ranges available globally to our special limited release whiskies, each with a rich story to tell. Each and every The Macallansingle malt whiskyreveals our unrivalled commitment to the mastery of wood and spirit since 1824. ...
Single Malt Scotch Whisky 度数:46%vol 容量:700ml 产区:苏格兰岛屿区(Island) 神奇传说 来自三千年前的神秘巨石,大量散落于此地,传说中高大的巨人Fingal把爱犬Bran的链子栓于其中一块刻有凹洞的石头,因此被称为Fingal's Cauldron Seat。为了向历史致敬,艾伦酒厂以大众耳熟能详的Machrie Moor地区作为其泥煤威士忌的...
From our signature ranges available globally to our special limited release whiskies, each with a rich story to tell. Each and every The Macallansingle malt whiskyreveals our unrivalled commitment to the mastery of wood and spirit since 1824. ...
Single Malt Scotch Whisky 度数:43%vol 容量:700ml 产区:苏格兰艾雷岛(Islay) 王室御饮 苏格兰是威士忌的老家,全世界的威士忌绝大多数产于苏格兰,但只有一家酒厂能获得英女王的青睐,亲自前去参观酒厂外,酒厂更特别制作了以女王命名的威士忌,供女王王室御饮,这就是波摩。1980年,英女王伊莉莎白二世参观波摩(BOWMORE ...