Ladies: If a guy messages you please contact me. There have been problems with that happening over meetup in general. It's just not cool. Meetup is about real life and not virtual. Guys, . . . get off your computer and come to an event. Say hello in person. Smile, . . . be pe...
But if you’re freaking out then my advice would be this: remove lids from jars and place jars on a baking sheet. Place baking sheet in a COLD oven. Then turn the oven to 375. That will give the jars a chance to warm up slowly as the oven preheats. If you’re really worried y...
All the Single Ladies Recent years have seen an explosion of male joblessness and a steep decline in men’s life prospects that have disrupted the “romantic market” in ways that narrow a marriage-minded woman’s options: increasingly, her choice is between deadbeats (whose numbers are rising...
The American balladO Deathhas enjoyed a revival of sorts in the years since Ralph Stanley’s haunted quiver reappeared inO Brother, Where Art Thou; before that,Dock Boggshad popularized the song during the Great Depression; his return to the stage in the 60’s would bring it back again for...
Common sense, ladies. It’s not so common, but it is absolutely necessary. After you have weeded the OBVIOUS phonies out, what are you left with? Not a lot, really, but there were a few that I corresponded with a little bit, two I had coffee with..once…one that I went out with...