1. 什么是单图人群计数(Single-Image Crowd Counting)? 单图人群计数是一种通过计算机视觉技术,从单张静态图像中自动估计和统计人群数量的方法。这种方法在公共安全、城市规划、交通管理等领域具有广泛的应用价值。例如,在大型活动、公共场所或交通枢纽,通过单图人群计数可以实时监测人群密度,预防踩踏事件等安全隐患。 2...
Single-Image Crowd Counting Single-Image Crowd Counting via Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network Yingying Zhang Desen Zhou Siqin Chen Shenghua Gao Yi Ma Shanghaitech University Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016, pp. 589-597 这是一篇应用神...
Single-Image Crowd Counting via Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network CVPR2016https://github.com/svishwa/crowdcount-mcnnhttps://github.com/leeyeehoo/Reduplication-of-Single-Image-Crowd-Counting-via-MCNN-on-UCF-Dataset 对图像和视频中的人数进行精确估计在公共安全中存在着实际需求。2015年上海发生的踩...
本博文主要是CVPR2016的《Single-Image Crowd Counting via Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network》这篇文章的阅读笔记,以及对人群计数领域做一个简要介绍。最后补充介绍一篇18年的针对算法落地的人群计数方案《A Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network For Crowd Counting》 Abstract 这篇论文开发了一种可以从一个单...
https://github.com/svishwa/crowdcount-mcnn (非官方): https://github.com/wwq-online/MCNN_REPRODUCTION 参考: 1、翻译——人群计数:Single-Image Crowd Counting via Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network(CVPR2016) 2、人群计数之MCNN 3、人群密度估计之MCNN--有代码...
人群计数--Single-Image Crowd Counting via Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
The invention provides a single image crowd counting algorithm based on a multi-column convolutional neural network. The multi-column convolutional neural network has three sub-networks, the volume of a convolution kernel for each sub-network is different, each sub-network inputs the same image, ...
Single Domain Generalization for Crowd Counting Zhuoxuan Peng, Gary S.-H. Chan(本名暴露,不过也无所谓了╮(╯▽╰)╭) [arXiv] [Github] 引言 进入正题,这篇文章研究的是人群计数的单领域泛化问题。人群计数(crowd counting)是个经典的计算机视觉问题,简单点说就是数出图片中含有多少人。主流方法的做法是估...
Single image crowd counting is a challenging computer vision problem with wide applications in public safety, city planning, traffic management, etc. With the recent development of deep learning techniques, crowd counting has aroused much attention and achieved great success in recent years. This surve...
Single-Image Crowd Counting via Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network Yingying Zhang Desen Zhou Siqin Chen Shenghua Gao Yi Ma Shanghaitech University {zhangyy2,zhouds,chensq,gaoshh,mayi}@shanghaitech.edu.cn Abstract This paper aims to develop a method than can accurately estimate the crowd ...