*You must be single, over age 60, and a resident of the 757 area code. *Post and maintain a profile photo. No face obscuring items or group photos. *All members must agree to be responsible for their personal safety as well as that of their guests when they attend any public or priv...
A steady group of like-minded people drinking can also feel familial. Numerous imbibing groups abound, but we’re partial to Drinking Liberally (drinkingliberally.org, chapters in all boroughs except Staten Island), a hops-heavy, left-leaning social circle. By that fourth vodka gimlet, you’ll...
The 60 regular members of the Meetup grouphad been just as fractious and strong-willed as the users of the Ron Paulforums. 聚会小组的60个固定成员和罗恩·保罗论坛的网友一样动辄易怒和坚持己见。 12. 34kb In fact, a lot of things in this country might change if members of Congress had...