The prevalence of lameness was 1.6%, and a difference between males and females was found only at 70kg on herd B (P<0.04). Poor general debility overall occurred in 3.5% of the pigs and no difference between sexes was found. The results indicate that it is possible to produce entire ...
German Females vs Ukrainian Women: What Sets Them Apart? Germany and Ukraine are two fascinating European countries with deep histories, diverse cultures, and unique traditions. Women from different countries reflect their cultural roots, making them truly one of a kind. Exploring these differ ......
A main impetus in the single-sex training development is late research demonstrating regular contrasts in how guys and females learn. Putting this examination into practice, in any case, has set off a level headed discussion that develops past unadulterated…show more content… ...
The purpose of this research was to examine the goals and reputations of at‐risk and not at‐risk adolescent females in single‐sex and mixed‐sex school contexts. A total of 216 female students in Years 8, 9, and 11 (aged 13, 14, and 16 years) from six secondary schools in one of...
This mixed methods study explored the effects of single-gender cooperative learning groups on middle school females' academic achievement in mathematics. It also explored the impact that cooperative learning groups could make on female students' disposition and self-efficacy in mathematics. The results ...
One of the wonderful things about support groups, like AA, is we each have this shared experience. And while we can never fully understand someone’s path, whether they had one moment that change their course in life, or whether there were many experiences that changed their course, causing...
But single mums, they found, put in about 25 per cent more effort than females rearing with their mate. To avoid being exploited, mothers with a partner hold back from working too hard if the father is being lazy, and it’s the chicks that pay the price. "The offspring suffer some of...
All mouse colonies were maintained in accordance with protocols approved by the Bavarian government at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology or the IACUC at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Swiss Webster and C57BL/6 wild-type females were used, and embryos were staged in days post-coitus...
Our work aimed to identify the control strategies underlying aerial pursuit in the male blowflyLucilia sericata. To this end, we carried out a series of experiments in which male flies were chasing dummy females moving on a computer-controlled 2d trajectory. The resulting 3-dimensional free flight...
Right wings were used for the majority of samples (~90%) and each had 15 landmarks digitised for analysis. Analysis of variance of centroid sizes among groups was statistically significant (F(8,160) = 4.772; P < 0.001), however the Tukey post hoc test revealed no particular ...