dict.youdao.com|基于 1 个网页 3. 单式记账法 单式记账法(Single-entry Accounting)是对每一项 经济业务,只在一个账户中登记,这样只反映经济 业务的一个方面。 14 §3. … wenku.baidu.com|基于 1 个网页
accounting n. 1.会计;会计学;会计制度 2.会计业务或能力 3.账单;借贷对照表 4.记账;结账;结算;决算 5.人各有所好。 microaccounting 微观会计 macroaccounting 【经】 宏观会计 accountingreport 会计决算会计报告 entry n. 1.进入 2.入场权 3.入口处 4.登记,条目,词条 5.参赛的人[物] 6.参加比...
single entry accounting 英文single entry accounting 中文【经】 单式会计
ORGANIZING SINGLE ENTRY ACCOUNTING, IN AN AUTHORIZED NATURAL PERSON. CASE STUDYCREU, DanielaScientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture & Rural Development
single entry 美 英 na.单式簿记 网络单次入境;单次;一次签证 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 单式簿记 释义: 全部,单式簿记,单次入境,单次,一次签证
b.(as modifier):a single-entry account. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 sin′gle en′try n. a simple accounting system noting only amounts owed by and due to...
single-entry Single-entry accounting system single-entry bookkeeping Single-entry bookkeeping system single-entry compressor Single-Error-Correcting Code Single-Event Burnout Single-Event Disturb Single-Event Hard Error Single-Event Latchup Single-Event Phenomena ...
single entry 基本释义 简式记账;单式分录 专业释义 <证券>单一输入 <科技>单入口;单独输入;单项;单一表目 <会计>单式记帐 <电力>单吸式;单吸式[入口];单一记录 <计算机>单表目 <法律>单式记账 再保险词汇中英对照术语表 术语表:acceptance policy 核保政策accounting period 结算期aggregate limit 累积限额aggreg...
The process allowed a simpler recording for employees as they needed not to think in terms of double-entry accounting. Also, the new process translates single-entry records introduced to create the corresponding double-entry ones. Once the process was developed, statistical tests were done. Data ...
Single-entry bookkeeping The primary bookkeeping record in single-entry bookkeepingis the Revenue and Expense Journal, which is similar to a checking account register but allocates the income and expenses to various income and expense accounts. Separate account records are maintained for petty cash,...