SingleChildScrollView 是 Flutter 中的一个小部件,用于在一个滚动视图中显示一个子组件。它可以解决子组件在屏幕上溢出的问题,提供了垂直或水平的滚动效果。 对于对话框中的 ...
Flutter:组合ScrollView和PageView小部件 body: SingleChildScrollView( child: Container( width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, child: Column( crossAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ Container(height: 600, color:, 浏览101提问于2021-04-06得票数 2 回答已...
When a column is in a parent that does not provide a finite height constraint, for example if it is in a vertical scrollable, it will try to shrink-wrap its children along the vertical axis. Setting a flex on a child (e.g. using Expanded) indicates that the child is to expand to f...
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(MaterialApp(home: MyApp())); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { final gridController = ScrollController(); MyApp({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: ScrollbarTheme( data: const S...
I am using flutter_inappwebview: ^6.0.0 and i faced the following issues when test it in Android device and chrome web: When add InAppWebview inside SingleChildScrollView, the parent scroll wasn't working and the webview keep scrolling. ...
Flutter——ListView组件(平铺列表组件) 2019-12-05 14:42 −ListView的常见参数: 名称 类型 说明 scrollDirection Axis Axis.horizontal 水平列表 Axis.vertical 垂直列表 padding EdgeInsetsGeometry 内边距 resolve bo... 苦瓜爆炒牛肉 0 1273 Flutter 布局类组件:线性布局(Row和Column) ...