【生信技术】测序数据差异表达分析|导入、加载、整理、分析,RNA-Seq数据的差异分析操作,跟着操作你就对了 231 -- 33:57 App Integrate single-cell RNA-Seq datasets in R using Seurat (CCA) 575 -- 12:56 App (字幕)Single Cell RNA Seqencing(scRNAseq)原理 - Finding a cure for DIPG 1028 -- 9:...
在本周一的文章(复现原文(一):Single-cell RNA sequencing of human kidney(step by step))中,我们完成了scRNA-seq数据的质控(Hemberg-lab单细胞转录组数据分析(三)- 原始数据质控)、批次校正、找Marker基因(单细胞分群后,怎么找到Marker基因定义每一类群?)、UMAP可视化和tSNE可视化(Hemberg-lab单细胞转录组数据分...
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is the leading technique for characterizing the transcriptomes of individual cells in a sample. The latest protocols are scalable to thousands of cells and are being used to compile cell atlases of tissues, organs and organisms. However, the protocols differ...
This is mainly a summary of the article SINCERA: A Pipeline for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Profiling Analysis.前言在单细胞RNA测序研究中,我们拿到的数据通常是一个cell-gene matrix;它是… Forwa...发表于杂记 平平无奇的单细胞RNA-seq分析加上平平无奇的空间RNA-seq分析研究已经被广泛报道的生物学问题,依然可...
文库制备及10X单细胞测序:通过10X微流控制备系统实现单细胞文库制备,再通过HiSeq X Ten平台进行测序。 image 02.原始数据处理和质控 CellRanger (2.2.0) 进行前期数据处理工作,Seurat (3.0.0) 对前面获得的表达量矩阵进行过滤。 过滤掉UMI数小于1000的细胞 ...
Here we use deep single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) together with other experimental approaches to investigate fate choices, lineage relationships and molecular determinants during early stages of sensory neurogenesis in the mouse. Overall, our data provide insights into the structure of the Wadding...
2017年发表在Nature Methods杂志上的SCENIC[1]算法,利用单细胞RNA-seq数据,同时进行基因调控网络重建和细胞状态鉴定,应用于肿瘤和小鼠大脑单细胞图谱数据,提出并证明了顺式调控网络分析能够用于指导转录因子和细胞状态的鉴定。SCENIC通过使用生物学驱动的features自动清除肿瘤样本特异性等批次效应。
image 点开,右键复制链接 image.png 进入linux系统 image.png 我的网速较慢,耐心等一会就下载好了。 1.2 载入数据并构建Seurat对象 由于数据非常大,文件count-matrix.txt就有2.6 Gb,如此大的文件我的小小电脑运行起来非常吃力,这里提醒需要使用服务器的R来运行数据。(我没有服务器,还是小电脑试试) ...
Although substantial progress has been made in cancer biology and treatment, clinical outcomes of bladder carcinoma (BC) patients are still not satisfactory. The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a potential target. Here, by single-cell RNA sequencing on 8
(Fig.1A). To obtain comprehensive transcriptome landscapes of breast cancer, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of fifteen samples. After quality control, batch effects removal, and principal component analysis, a total of 27,028 single cells from primary cancer tissue and 69,...