In contrast to single-cell approaches for measuring gene expression and DNA accessibility, single-cell methods for analyzing histone modifications are limited by low sensitivity and throughput. Here, we combine the CUT&Tag technology, developed to me
Probing histone modifications at a single-cell level in thousands of cells has been enabled by technologies such as single-cell CUT&Tag. Here we describe nano-CUT&Tag (nano-CT), which allows simultaneous mapping of up to three epigenomic modaliti
(大概就是 Paired-seq + CUT&Tag) Image Single-cell profiling of histone modifications in the mouse brain, bioRxiv 2020.09.02.279703 大概做法:使用 Sci 的策略实现单细胞高通量加 Barcode(核心思想就是多轮加 Barcode,从而实现多次 96 孔板,产生统计上几乎是 unique 的 Cell Barcode) 然后split 细胞,分为...
Probing histone modifications at a single-cell level in thousands of cells has been enabled by technologies such as single-cell CUT&Tag. Here we describe nano-CUT&Tag (nano-CT), which allows simultaneous mapping of up to three epigenomic modaliti
Understanding the molecular and cellular processes involved in lung epithelial regeneration may fuel the development of therapeutic approaches for lung diseases. We combine mouse models allowing diphtheria toxin-mediated damage of specific epithelial cell types and parallel GFP-labeling of functionally dividing...
To fill this gap, we have developed a flexible pipeline for analysis and visualization of single-cell CUT&RUN and CUT&Tag data, which provides functions for sequence alignment, quality control, dimensionality reduction, cell clustering, data aggregation, and visualization. Furthermore, it is also ...
北京大学分子医学研究所,北京大学-清华大学生命科学联合中心研究员何爱彬研究组在Molecular Cell杂志在线发表题为“CoBATCH for High-Throughput Single-Cell Epigenomic Profiling”的文章,报道了一种新的具有普适性、易操作、高通量和高质量的单细胞ChIP-seq技术,并将其命名为CoBATCH(combinatorial barcoding and targeted ...
Chromatin accessibility and protein-DNA interactions Multi-Omics The basic chemistry is very similar, the main differences among those scRNA-seq methods are summarised in the table below. For a detailed discussion, check the text boxes from our review:From Tissues to Cell Types and Back: Single-...
CUT&Tag profiles low cell number samples and single cells ChIP requires substantial cellular material, limiting its application for experimental and clinical samples. However, we and others have previously demonstrated that tethered profiling strategies like CUT&RUN have sufficient sensitivity that profiling...
Single-cell CUT&Tag analysis of chromatin modifications in differentiation and tumor progression. Nat. Biotechnol. 39, 819–824 (2021). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Grosselin, K. et al. High-throughput single-cell ChIP-seq identifies heterogeneity of chromatin states in ...