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SingingRockW1015B020 LOCKER SLING 洛克扁带 河北沐谷贸易有限公司7年 回头率:20% 河北 石家庄市桥西区 ¥1448.00成交12个 SingingRock索乐克 SIR长官 保护器 多用途绳索作业下降器 拓展 西安索乐克运动科技有限公司5年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 陕西 西安市 ...
LOCKER / W1010BB09 Guided type fall arrester. By its various use and perfect functionality, LOCKER has become the common device for work at height professionals. for 11 mm textile ropes (recommended Singing Rock STATIC 11.0) parking cam for blocking in required position system of releasing ...
Item #448659 $104.99 availability : out of stock Description Guided type fall arrester and work positioning device. Use on 11 mm ropes (recommended Singing Rock Static 11) Integrated cam for blocking in required position. Not for rock climbing....
LOCKER Guided type fall arrester / for 11 mm textile ropes / 188 g DOUBLE STOP PLUS Descender for sigle rope with anti-panic system / unique way of rope insertion / 421 g BORA / TWL Versatile HMS carabiner / twist lock / Keylock / gate opening 22 mm / 23 kN / 68 g FLASH INDU...
Another longtime New England Patriots fan, Lenny Clarke has been watching the team and talking about the team for decades. Clarke is pretty much a mainstay on Boston radio, dishing his takes on the Patriots, Red Sox and more whenever asked. He's even been in the Patriots locker room...
James Harden: he can ball, he can rock the most charismatic beard in the NBA, and he can . . . sing? Well, kind of. In this new spot from BBDO New York for Foot Locker, the Houston Rockets star hits the recording studio to drop his debut R&B single, “H...
LOCKER Guided type fall arrester / for 11 mm textile ropes / 188 g DOUBLE STOP PLUS Descender for sigle rope with anti-panic system / unique way of rope insertion / 421 g PULLEY TWIN Large double pulley for industrial use and hauling systems / for textile ropes / 421 g / 36 kN ...
LOCKER Guided type fall arrester / for 11 mm textile ropes / 188 g SITE + K370 Work positioning lanyard with rope clamp and connector / length 200 and 400 cm / EN 353-2 • EN 358 BACK-UP Guided type fall arrester / moves in both directions / 205 g NextActivities at height su...
Wenn der Boden locker ist, unter jedem Fuß eine Platte posi- tionieren, die widerstandsfähig genug ist, um den Tracpode zu stabilisieren und das Einsinken zu verhindern. In diesem Fall muss unbedingt das Gurtband an den Stützen verwendet wer- den. Anm.: Wenn Zweifel hinsichtlich ...