Taizé liturgiescontainalot of songsinarow,timesof silenceandBible readings. Butare mainlycom-prisedof singing.2.Therepetitionof songsis striking.Participantsrepeatthesongsabout seven ortwelve times,with nobody counting. As mentioned above, it doesn’tmatterifthesongsorthe languageare knownor not.The...
Now, I see this idea coming back. Most notably in the USA, where various states are seeing a move to ban even the mention of homosexuality in schools. This is often under the guise of protecting the kids. The frankly ridiculous notion that having an awareness that gay people exist will s...
Joseph found the Bible, and, 15 the paper inside, laid it next to the bed. “ 16 me now, boy,”she sighed. “I'm tired.” He ran out of the house. A cold wind blew through the 17 window, but the old woman on the bed 18 nothing. She was dead. The paper in the Bible move...
though it’s not terribly practical. I’m a Christian, and I learned a silly “rap” song in Sunday school when I was a kid that was meant to helps us learn the books of the Bible. I still think back to it now and then
31st. in the year 2006...I was the first to do this.Some people have called me the song a day guy... Best Wishes - Mike Song #1 Jan. 1 Here is the first song. (10+ hours) Yikes! Way longer than I thought.. • Earth Food.mp3 Song #2 Jan. 2 This is going to be a ...