Introduction to Treating Voice Abuse, Speech-Language Pathology and the Professional Voice User, Voice Therapy, Voice Rest, Increasing Vocal Effectiveness, The Singing Voice Specialist, The Role of the Acting-Voice Trainer in Medical Care of Professional Voice Users, Exercise Physiology: Perspective for...
Introduction to Treating Voice Abuse, Speech-Language Pathology and the Professional Voice User, Voice Therapy, Voice Rest, Increasing Vocal Effectiveness, The Singing Voice Specialist, The Role of the Acting-Voice Trainer in Medical Care of Professional Voice Users, Exercise Physiology: Perspective for...
Keywords: Logopedic voice treatment; Phono- surgery; Professional singers; Therapy efficacy; Vocal extent measure (VEM); Vocal pedagogy; Voice disorders INTRODUCTION Functional impairments of the singing voice and small organic pathologic changes of the vocal folds are common problems of singers ...